In hierdie moderne eeu waarin ons onsself bevind, is belesenheid 'n norm waaraan die mens gemeet word. Hoe meer gevorderd 'n samelewing raak, hoe belangriker raak leesvaardighede, juis omdat gevorderde tegnologie verhoogde vlakke van opleiding vereis waarin doeltreffende lees 'n kardinale rol speel. Ontwikkeling op verskeie gebiede is dus direk afhanklik van die mens se vermoë om doeltreffend te lees.

Charters 1941 - Reading is man’s most potent skill. Without it his world is circumscribed by his neighbours. All he learns is what he picks up in conversations, information garbled in its transmission, delayed by the slow seepage of news through word of mouth... the world of newspapers, books, magazines and bulletins is closed against him by the massive walls of ignorance. Reading is the keystone of the arch of intelligence that the schools have been established to construct.


  1. This category is only open for Grade 10, Grade 11 and Grade 12.
  2. There are no restrictions as to the number of entries submitted per grade and/or per language.
  3. Languages:  English, Afrikaans and isiXhosa.
  4. Voorbereidingstyd/Preparation time:  3 minutes
  5. Leesmateriaal sal deur die beoordelaar verskaf word.
  6. Terwyl die eerste deelnemer optree sal die volgende deelnemer ‘n geleentheid kry om sy/haar leesstuk voor te berei.
  7. Slegs kandidate met goeie leesvaardighede moet ingeskryf word.
  8. Die algemene standaard van leesmateriaal sal die van Graad 12 wees.
  9. Candidates are advised to read/practice a wide variety of reading material and also to cover a wide spectrum of topics.  Adjudicators are at liberty to choose from a wide range of sources and topics.


On the next page you will find a SAMPLE RUBRIC which can served as a perfect guide.  I will not be the same as the one on the day of performance, however it is a perfect guide.


The best THREE (3) candidates identified by the adjudicators will each receive R1000.00 in cash as well as a book hamper from Oxford University Press and/or Tafelberg Uitgewers.  The BEST CANDIDATE will win for his/her school the cash amount of R3 000.00.  Each candidate will receive a Golden Diploma, but the BEST CANDIDATE will also receive a GOLD MEDAL and a TROPHY which will be sponsored either by The Sundays River Valley Provincial Arts & Culture Festival and/or the ATKV.  Full Media Coverage.

The Sundays River Valley Provincial Arts and Culture Festival 2019 holds the right to release any photos and/or video material to the media and/or any social platforms for publication.